Monday, December 17, 2012

Jammer of the Week?

Ok, I realized there wasn't a Jammer of the Week this weekend, but there wasn't any Jammer that stood out. I will have to say the best one is Lovegirlrox, my bestie in real life that helps me with the Scammer Blog.
Also, I am busy and will post the items and stuff for today later. Bye Jammers! Comment please!

P.S. Sorry for inconvenience I am in USA Eastern time so I can sometimes post before school (three hours ago) and right now I am in school but I will post after school which is in like six hours.
The time is really messed up on my blog for example:
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That is copied from one of my posts! I DO NOT GET UP AT 4:30 AM TO POST THIS IS SO WEIRD! HOW DO YOU CHANGE THE TIME?? ; (

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