Here are some rares that have come out:

(Picture credit to Animal Jam Spirit)
The (ugly) rare cowboy hat!
RIM (Rare Item Monday) 1/28/2012

(Picture credit to Animal Jam Spirit)
Witch hat!
Sold in the Sarepia Forest Hat Shoppe on 1/27/13
I bought a pale pink one!

(Picture credit to Animal Jam Spirit)
Rare Top Hat
Sold in Mt. Shiveer (I think) Hat Shoppe
This was sold at the Leap Year Party!
I'm really sorry for not posting. I have been very busy and my computer has been being a brat lately when it comes to AJ.
thise hats are so cool! i really dont see why they didnt bring fox hats back, at least for a day. Well, I guess I do. I mean, then it would be hard to trade because it wouldnt be as rare